Sunday, June 2, 2013

Explaining The Trinity - Evengelion

the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost (or Spirit). The Trinity is a very difficult concept to understand. How can one being also be three different beings? They are all fully God, but they are also distinctly separate from each other. Keeping in mind that there can only be one God, it seems contradictory to non-Christians that we also believe in the Trinity. For weeks I was trying to find a way to explain this concept to someone and I noticed a loose parallel we can make between the evangelions and pilots in Neon Genesis Evangelion and the Trinity. 
We know that the evangelions are separate beings from the pilots, yet when the pilots enter them they become one being. Consider this to be phase one. When the machine is shot the pilot also feels the shot. When the pilot thinks to move, the machine moves. However, when the pilot exits the machine, they separate completely. They do not move or feel together. This is their second phase. If we combine these two phases, we get a fuzzy picture of what the trinity is, both apart and together.  
 Granted this a very loose way to describe the trinity, but it does make the concept slightly easier to understand, at least for anime fans. 

So if there is ever a time that you have to describe the trinity to someone, ask if they have seen Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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